Sunday, September 12, 2010

New 20 Watt amp for 1.2 GHz. Part 1.

The following pictures are the start of a project I am undertaking .
I plan to house a 20 watt amp for 1.2 GHz into a project box, incorporating a transmitting and a receiving board, and also a monitor.This unit would mostly be used /m and /p.
The photo's shown below are some  of the various heatsink's I am testing to see which one is the most efficient to use with the amp to keep it cool, as it would not last more than a few moments without one. I would be also adding some 12v fans to aide the cooling process. The smaller block of aluminium was of no use for this project, as after less than 3 minutes, the temp rose to over 43deg.
 The larger heat sink turned out to be the one to use, as it was not a solid block like the other one, it had many fins on it, and was able to dissipate the heat quickly due to it's surface area. Speaking of heatsinks, I did not realise that subject was an art of its own.   I will add more info and photo's when I do a bit more construction.

Testing first heatsink.

Temp after 3 minutes
on first heatsink.

Testing second heatsink

Power output
20 watts.

Temp after 30 minutes
on second heatsink.

Current used by amp,and driver.

Large heat sink temp
after 30 mins (48 deg )
15 deg higher than temp of amp.

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